Stack of The Noble Quran in English translation books

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Our History

About Dawah Norway

Dawah Norway was founded in 2021 with the vision of promoting Islam and extending the invitation of Islam to non-Muslims in Norway.

A group of committed people came together to develop a platform that would act as a bridge between communities, fostering understanding, dialogue, and mutual respect inspired by Islam's beauty, wisdom, and compassion.

Why Islam?

Islam is the most peaceful religion from the almightly Allah. Know the truth and join in Islam

Our Achievement

People Accepted Islam
1 +
Free Quran Distributed
1 +
Islamic Literature Distributed
1 +
Cities Visited with Dawah Stand
1 +
About Essential

Pillars of Islam

  • Shahadah
  • Salah
  • Sawm
  • Zakat
  • Hajj
Meet The Team

Our Volunteers

Founder & Da'i
Imam & Da'i
Da'i & Lecturer
Founder & Da'i
IT Consultant & Da'i

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