M Mainul Hasan

M Mainul Hasan, IT Consultant, with a friendly demeanor

M Mainul Hasan

IT Consultant & Da'i
Contact Details
  • +47 966 61 070
  • mainul@webdevstory.com
  • Østre Aker vei 101, Oslo, Norway
  • https://www.webdevstory.com/
Tech Architect & Innovator
  • Developing Digital Platforms
  • System Optimization
  • Educational Tech Tool
  • Community Engagement Tech

About M Mainul Hasan

M Mainul Hasan stands as a cornerstone of Dawah Norway’s technological advancement, providing critical support and innovation.

His multifaceted expertise in software development and system architecture propels the organization’s digital initiatives.

With a keen eye for solving complex technical challenges, Hasan ensures seamless operation and implementation of tech solutions that enhance Dawah Norway’s outreach and efficiency.

His role is pivotal in bridging technology with the organization’s mission, showcasing a harmonious blend of technical acumen and commitment to Islamic education and awareness.

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