Our History

About Dawah Norway

Dawah Norway (Dawah Norge) is a non-profit organization founded in 2021 in Norway.

Our dedicated volunteers work tirelessly to educate both Muslims and non-Muslims about Islam, fostering a deeper understanding of this beautiful faith.

We share knowledge through information tables, dawah stands, and organized classes about Islam.

What We Do

Our Activities

Our Youth Empowerment Initiative is designed to inspire and nurture the next generati

Our new Muslim workshop provides a welcoming platform for individuals embracing Islam

Our Free Quran Distribution initiative is a cornerstone of our efforts to provide aut

Our community outreach program is dedicated to creating connections and fostering und

Meet The Team

Our Volunteers

Da'i & Lecturer
Imam & Da'i
Founder & Da'i
About Essential

Pillars of Islam

  • Shahadah
  • Salah
  • Sawm
  • Zakat
  • Hajj
Some Good Words

Voices of Our Community


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